Get Device

In this example, a single device is fetched and printed to console.

Full Example

The following snippet implements the example. Remember to update user-defined variables.

import disruptive as dt

# User-defined variables.

# Get the device of interest.
device = dt.Device.get_device(device_id=DEVICE_ID)

# Print the device information to console.

This will generate an output similar to the snippet below.

    device_id: str = bfui341o5b7g0093am50,
    project_id: str = br793014jplfqcpoj45g,
    device_type: str = temperature,
    labels: dict = {'inertia-model': '0.025'},
    display_name: str = Fridge,
    is_emulated: bool = False,

Step-by-Step Explanation

The package is authenticated as described in the Authentication using environment variables.

Once authenticated, a single device is fetched using the get_device() resource method.

device = dt.Device.get_device(device_id=DEVICE_ID)

The returned variable is an instance of the Device class, representing the various attributes that describe the device. Printing the object will give you an overview of the attributes.
