Fetch Event History

In this example, a device’s humidity events is fetched and printed for the past 7 days.

Full Example

The following snippet implements the example. Remember to update user-defined variables.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import disruptive as dt

# User-defined variables.

# Define the start-time from when events are fetched.
seven_days_ago = datetime.now() - timedelta(7)

# Fetch humidity events from the past 7 days.
events = dt.EventHistory.list_events(

# Iterate through the list of fetched events.
for event in events:
    # Isolate a few values contained within the event.
    event_id = event.event_id
    timestamp = event.data.timestamp
    humidity = event.data.humidity

    # Print a formatted string of the isolated information.
    print(f'{humidity}% humidity from event {event_id} at {timestamp}.')

This will produce an output similar to the following snippet.

60% humidity from event c2f6e07km0nusv59v10g at 2021-05-14 12:03:12.500464+00:00.
24% humidity from event c2f6dvvkm0nusv59v0vg at 2021-05-14 12:03:11.128840+00:00.
24% humidity from event c2dre6vkm0nusv59od3g at 2021-05-12 11:08:11.833330+00:00.

Step-by-Step Explanation

The package is authenticated as described in the Authentication using environment variables.

Once authenticated, a the event history of a device can be fetched using the list_events() resource method, but first we use the standard datetime library to define our start time.

# Define the start-time from when events are fetched.
seven_days_ago = datetime.now() - timedelta(7)

The start time is provided to the event history method, which executes the request.

# Fetch humidity events from the past 7 days.
events = dt.EventHistory.list_events(

The response is a list of Events which we can iterate through in a loop. Within each event, various information is then extracted and printed.

for event in events:
    # Isolate a few values contained within the event.
    event_id = event.event_id
    timestamp = event.data.timestamp
    humidity = event.data.humidity

    # Print a formatted string of the isolated information.
    print(f'{humidity}% humidity from event {event_id} at {timestamp}.')